Niles The Wonder Dog

Sunday, April 10, 2005


So there I was... Minding my own business... Helping poor orphans cross the street, when out of no where, a vagrant jumps me and attempts to take the money that I had been saving up for the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. Now normally I would react with swift vengeance and ninja fury, however there were children around which required a certain bit of finesse in my dealings with this soon to be in trouble young man. The children were poor orphans actually... oh, did I mention that already? Well anyway, I was in a bit of a bind, as you can clearly see from the picture above. So I calmly (and discretely) applied a paw to some lesser known pressure points, and before you knew it, my assailant had collapsed. However now I was forced to contend with moving both children and a limp body. So I quickly organized the children to help me take the poor sod to the nearest police station. This just happened to be across the street so I had cleverly solved both problems at once.

By the way, thank you to the kind child with the foresight to have quickly snapped this picture of me in the throes of my dilemma.

(poor, poor, poor man. I wonder what strange area of dimentia he must be in now)